Especially for JJ, who is incensed by all this non-Belgian hooha.
Taken at the Museum of Industry and Labor in Brussels before the trip. The museum also features a giant plaster cast of a statue of Abe Lincoln as a boy produced for an insurance agency in Indiana. In spite of its name, the museum is really only about the foundry that existed on the spot, which also created the elaborate gates to the Bronx zoo. In an attempt to shed light on some other local industries, they also have beer and chocolate-themed walking tours and for some reason boat cruises down the canal with live music.
I love museums with rusting piles of stuff laying around--we came across a great one in WV one time where you could ride on the decomposing farm equipment. The one in Brussels had a huge blackberry patch on the grounds, but I thought better of consuming any, given the contaminants that likely went into the soil there for a very long time. So much better when you don't know anything about the land, like in...ITALY!
about freaking time we get some local color. speaking of which, take a picture of the neighborhood derelict the next time you're out and about, will you?
What's up with the birds?
Well, what else are you going to put on a pile of rusting metal? Hello Kitty? I don't think so.
uhhh, sounds like onigiri would want to see that spinning dog
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