Jack took Friday off due to having worked through the previous weekend, so he made some excellent biscuits for breakfast and we headed out into the world. We went and contemplated shades to replace the curtains I had pulled down in the bedroom, which unfortunately were not the right size so we're back to rigging up the original ones over the window using packing tape and staples. We got a blender and a trash can from a local cheap store, like Wal-Mart except smaller. Both appliances that we've purchased came with a two-year warranty, and that makes me wonder if that's some kind of EU standard. If so, it makes me feel a lot better about buying items that I would normally consider to have about a 2 year lifespan. Even though that's probably how long I need them to last for, it's nice to know that someone's looking out for those who have to buy the cheap stuff for other reasons. I also bought a package of 70 cm-long drinking straws.
Following a trip to the grocery, we went and visited a secondhand shop around the corner from Jack's office. The store had 3 large floors of everything: furniture, housewares, art, games, clothes, beds, etc., etc. I purchased an iron there a couple days before and had been overwhelmed by the sheer amount of stuff they had. So overwhelmed that I had to enlist Jack's assistance to just take it all in. We didn't end up buying anything this time, but he's going to keep an eye on it during the week so we can swoop in and get things shortly after they arrive, because I'm sure the pickings are better at certain times of the day/week.

That evening we went to Jack's coworker's house to watch the inaugural games of the World Cup series. It was all "football" this and "football" that. His office had a betting pool going, and Jack had every confidence that the US would clean up until he discovered that the game was actually soccer. Fortunately this occurred before the initial games so he had time to change his entry. The games were pretty predictable (at least for those who follow soccer) and not very animated, as if the presumptive winners were keeping all their flashy moves in reserve for the later games against stronger competitors. There was one extremely tall and gangly player (I forget which team) who was interviewed during halftime and who has a very silly dance that he does when he scores a goal, like the robot dance done by someone who just doesn't "get" the robot dance at all, and thinks that merely moving your arms at right angles to your body would suffice. It was kind of like the worst halftime show of all time, but it was pretty funny.
I brought the straws with me and during the festivities I tried to use one to drink a beer, but strangely the bottle began to foam immediately and spilled over before I could reach the sink. I have no idea what would cause this, since it wasn't a problem with the soda--perhaps the shape of the neck wouldn't permit the carbonation to dissipate quickly enough. Thus ended that little experiment. I guess if I'm ever sick and drinking quiescent beverages I might be able to use them, but until that time I'll just have to come up with other ideas.
We went home that evening excited to hit the road the next morning for Bruges.
Ok, you can make onion rings from a deep fryer and fat-free bisquick, but apparently not donuts.
So they have the soccer (football) thing going on there, but do the have THE cup? Lord Stanleys?
Oh, and I've decided to stop signing my comments as "anonymous".
Thanks for your comments, Boba. Is it okay if I call you Boba? If that's too personal for you, let me know.
Sorry to hear about the donut failure--perhaps another recipe would work? Or maybe the size of the donut compared to the volume of oil caused it to cool down too much to cook properly. What you need is a bigger fryer, clearly.
Stanley cup: are they doing that this year?
I love the 70 cm straw! Seems like a novelty item, but I wouldn't be surprised to hear they are sold as a practical item. Here's a question about grocery shopping in Belgique: when you buy produce, do you weigh your items and then print out a sticker with the price of the items (as opposed to not knowing the price until you pay the cashier)? The grocery stores in France had such a system, and I don't know if it's just France, or if that's a European thing. I've certainly never seen anything like it here in the States.
Ah, the delightful world of produce shopping! I could go on and on. The answer to your question is sometimes you weigh it and get the sticker at the grocery store, and sometimes you don't. I haven't quite figured this out yet. I tried to buy a melon the other day that was priced by the kg and not by the each, and it wasn't listed. Eventually, after trying to find it several ways, I ended up putting it back. Mulling it over later, I decided that, even though sold on a kg basis, the melons were of such uniform size that they were all priced the same. I'll see if I can get any further in my understanding If I ever attempt to buy another one. If I mess it up again, I might have to give up melons for the duration of my stay rather than subject myself to further comical misunderstandings.
The markets are a different story, which I also haven't gotten down pat yet. Sometimes you can pick your own produce (except the cherries; NEVER TOUCH the cherries), sometimes they want to do it for you. I generally guess which is which based on whether the bags are within my reach. This doesn't seem foolproof, however, in that sometimes I seem to piss the vendors off when asking them to get it for me. Maybe that's just their natural attitude, though.
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